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Spectra S2 Electric Breast Pump Review

A breast pump that can meet your high feeding demands.

For moms that are planning to exclusively breastfeed but are worried that their milk production may not meet the demands of their hungry baby, you may be panicking.

We’ve put together a review of the Spectra S2 Breast Pump Review which may be just the gadget to help you out. It’s not cheap, but since you’ll be using it every day, it’s a good choice for breastfeeding moms.

Keep reading to find out what this highly-regarded model can offer you.

Product Overview

Product Image of the Spectra - S2 Plus Electric Breast Milk Pump for Baby Feeding

The Spectra Baby USA S2 can be used as a double or single pump. It’s a closed system that has a letdown mode and offers adjustable settings.

The set includes:

  • The pump.
  • Two bottles.
  • Two breast shields.
  • Two suction tubes and flanges.
  • One AC-adapter.

This pump offers hospital-grade strength.


  • This pump performs quietly and discreetly, which is great for public pumping.
  • Its closed system is good for hygiene purposes.
  • The price is within reach for many different budget constraints.


  • Can’t be used with batteries, so it needs to be plugged in.
  • Only comes in pink which isn’t a favorite for some moms.

Key Features and Benefits

All Spectra pumps are a closed system, which offers a lot of benefit in terms of hygiene

Moms who are worried that some of their breast milk particles will reach the motor or other parts of the pump that aren’t routinely washed can breathe a sigh of relief with the Spectra S2.

Since it is a closed system, it ensures that milk will stay only in the parts of the pump it should. That eliminates the risk of mold or bacteria tainting your breast milk without you realizing it.

Moms who are concerned with the safety of their baby’s milk will find this to be a huge plus.

If you are returning to the workforce, the S2 offers a quiet pumping experience

While some moms aren’t bothered by a louder pump at work, some moms are a little more private about breastfeeding. Let’s face it. There are a lot of immature people out there, and in the workforce, comments from coworkers about breastfeeding can still be a bit embarrassing for some women in certain settings.

The quiet motor on the S2 may make those women feel more comfortable expressing milk at work.

This pump can be used for one single breast or both breasts at the same time

Generally, while you are pumping, you just do both breasts at once because it’s a time saver. But if your baby is hungry and you’re already nursing him, you might as well hook yourself up to this pump and express milk from the other breast at the same time.

A massage mode is used to kick things off

Massaging your breasts is a great way to stimulate your letdown mode where your body realizes that it’s time to let the milk start flowing.

Instead of having to massage your breasts manually, you can let this machine do all the work for you while you sit back and try to relax.

The S2 offers adjustable speed and suction

Finding the Goldilocks zone of the perfect suction and speed is much easier when you are in charge of the adjustments. You can adjust the suction both in the letdown mode or expression mode with this model.

A nightlight helps you see what you are doing in the dark

As a new mom, you’ll be sleep-deprived and stumbling around in the middle of the night frequently in an attempt to feed your baby. If you’re getting up to pump every three hours in an effort to stockpile enough milk to meet your baby’s growing nutritional needs, a nightlight will be a major benefit to you.

How Does It Compare?

This is how the Spectra S2 fairs against its competitors:

Spectra S1

Although you’ll pay for this added feature, the S1 is a good option for women who love the quality performance that the S2 provides, but also want to be able to use the machine with batteries. This is also blue, which may be a preference for some moms.

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The First Years Quiet Expressions

Moms who have more month than money left by the time they pay their bills will like the affordability of the Quiet Expressions pump. For what you’ll save buying this lower-priced pump instead of the competitors’ pumps, you’ll still have enough money left to buy bottles.

Medela Freestyle

Moms who like the excitement of getting a lot of extras with their breast pump may want to opt for the Medela Freestyle. It comes with a portable cooler and ice packs for storing your breast milk on the go. Plus you get a carry-all breast pump bag that will hold the pump and all the accessories.

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Who Should Buy This Pump?

For being one of the more affordable breast pumps on the market, the S2 offers moms peace of mind when it comes to hygiene.

The quiet pumping experience will be appreciated by moms in the workplace or moms who simply are looking to make the pumping process feel a little less mechanical.

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Jenny Silverstone

Jenny Silverstone is a professional writer, editor, and most importantly, the loving mother of two. Jenny's goal at Mom Loves Best is to help the other moms like her who are struggling and trying to do their best but feel totally overwhelmed.