
Editorial Policy

When it comes to you and your baby’s well-being, you want to feel certain about the decisions you make. The best way to do that is to have total faith in the facts that helped you make that decision. This is why we want to share the editorial policies of Mom Loves best with you. Transparency is crucial to us, just as it is to you. After all, we’re all in this together as parents.

The following guidelines detail how we write, edit, fact-check, and uphold the accuracy of our website’s content. Should you have any comments, questions, or feedback regarding these editorial policies, please email us at [email protected].


All our content is planned and created following these key principles:

  • Knowledge is power: Our content is based on research that underscores the current understanding and best practices of the relevant expert communities. Using this information, you feel confident to make decisions for you and your family.
  • Moms stick together: We strive to ensure our content is relevant for all mothers regardless of age, location, relationship status, and family type. We aim to bring mothers together, and we do not publish divisive or controversial content with the intention of generating clicks or views at the expense of dividing our community.
  • Every mom is different: We won’t tell anyone what they should do to best take care of their baby because we don’t walk in their shoes. Every parent has a different journey, and we respect that. We will provide educated information that will benefit you, but we’ll skip the lectures.


Our editorial team manages all the content you see on our site. As information in this niche is constantly evolving, we always try to report on the overall body of research on a topic instead of a single study or opinion. Our goal is to look at the broader picture.

We support our statements and suggestions with reputable sources that are, when applicable, peer-reviewed. Sources appear in the article body directly after each statement, or the fact we believe requires backing up or further explanation.

Our writers responsibly balance the presentation of verifiable facts with professional perspectives and real-life experience.

Regardless of how you find the articles on Mom Loves best, you can be confident that what you see is what you get. We have a zero policy on clickbait and headlines that do not match the article’s content.

Links are added to our articles with the purpose of directing you to relevant content throughout our site that may help further your knowledge about your topic of interest. We give credit and link to outside web pages that were used during our research or if we think they provide additional information that may be interesting to you.

Commercial or affiliate links will be clearly labeled as such, and we only link to reputable and trustworthy online marketplaces that you know and love, such as Amazon, Target and Walmart. For more information about our product recommendations, please see below.

Quality Standards

Each article published on Mom Loves best has a team of dedicated people working behind the scenes to make sure it is responsible, helpful, accurate, understandable, and in line with our principles and guidelines.

Articles are only published on the site after they have been thoroughly reviewed and edited by our editorial team. Our editors approve all content ideas independently and revise the material before it is published to ensure quality control.

Our expert review team is composed of board-certified physicians, pediatricians, and registered nurses. These experts fact-check articles relevant to their expertise, providing any necessary critique that will ensure our information is trustworthy and up-to-date. If necessary, articles are re-edited at least every 12 months. Articles with updates or additions of statements of medical fact are then re-examined by our Expert Review Team. Once an article has been updated, it will be re-dated at the top of the page.

Our writers are passionate about parenting because they are moms just like you. They are parents who are trying to do the best they can for their children with the resources and information they have. They aren’t just writing about these topics — they’ve lived through them. All writers are trained and required to follow and adhere to the editorial guidelines provided above.

Experienced freelancers trained in our process and policies assist with some of our updating efforts. The editorial team collaborates with other colleagues to ensure that every aspect of our site is in line with our mission and standards.

In short, we are a team who believes in supporting other parents and families.

Advertising Policy

Display Advertising

To link us up with the resources needed to create the quality content you deserve, we accept certain advertisements on our website. We greatly value transparency and believe that this policy will leave you feeling even more confident about the services and information we provide.

While considering advertising, we first and foremost think about our readers. Our goal is to use utilize advertising in a way that won’t hinder or negatively affect your reading experience. This relates to our website design as well as the maximum number of ads we include on a any given page.

All advertising or sponsored content on Mom Loves Best is clearly distinguished from editorial content through borders or other distinguishing elements and/or is identified as an “Advertisement” or a similar designation. That highlights for the reader that the content is being provided by or on behalf of the sponsor. Below is a screenshot of an example of advertisement labeling.

Product Recommendations

These days there are literally millions of baby products available online, and we want to help you find what you’re looking for without needing to scour through thousands of product pages and customer reviews. Every moment you spend needlessly looking for products is a moment away from your child or hobbies.

The writers and editors of Mom Loves Best aim to help our readers make useful and practical purchasing decisions by spending hours of research to find the best products for you and your specific situation.

For some of the products we recommend, we may receive an affiliate commission. This means if you click on one of our affiliated product recommendation links and purchase the product, we receive a small commission for the sale at no extra cost to you. However, the products we recommend are never on the sole basis of price or compensation.

All content that may contain affiliate links is clearly identified by letting the reader know the links in that article may earn Mom Loves Best a commission.


Mom Loves Best’s content is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be regarded as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other healthcare professional.

We uphold the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines on disclosures, where applicable.

Please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more information.