
Congrats, You’re Pregnant

Your world is about to change. Your body is no longer your own, and some days, that can be uncomfortable.


Every twinge, fear, and uncertainty will be wiped away when you feel your baby moving around in your belly.

It’s a bond that only a mother and a child can experience, and we’re privileged to have that honor – even if some days it doesn’t feel like it.

Questions Are Normal During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of unending questions. You want to know everything you can about what’s happening inside your body, what life will be like when the baby arrives, and you want things to be perfect for when that moment finally arrives.

I’m sure I annoyed my doctor immensely with all my questions. I sounded like a child playing one of those never-ending question games, where the sole point of asking the question is to annoy the other person.

I’m probably legendary in that office – my name is likely blacklisted because of how long I took at my doctor appointments, with my list of questions. That’s right – I actually wrote them down so I wouldn’t forget any.

Nine Months Is a Long Time to Wait

Some days it felt like my pregnancy would never end. That last month of pregnancy, in particular, seemed to last forever – my legs would swell to gigantic proportions if I was on my feet for more than an hour or so. You couldn’t tell where my calves ended and my ankles began. I felt like the bearded lady at an olden-time circus – people would gasp in wonder and horror whenever they saw my legs.

As I spent my nights with my legs elevated to reduce the swelling, I wondered if the big moment would ever finally arrive, and how I would recognize it when it did.

As you work your way through the highs and lows of pregnancy, I hope the articles on our website help you with all the questions and concerns you have.

Just the fact that you’re here seeking information tells me you’re going to be a great mother. You’ve got this.

Getting Pregnant

Store bought pregnancy test

7 Best Pregnancy Tests You Can Trust of 2023

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Creative Birth Announcement Ideas (for Every Baby!)

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100 Pregnancy Quotes (That Will Hit You in the Feels)

Pregnant mom preparing a baby announcement on christmas

Best Christmas Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Pregnant woman preparing apple apple for a pregnancy announcement

25 Thanksgiving Pregnancy Announcement Ideas (To Upstage the Turkey)

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25 Aww-Inspiring Halloween Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

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Wonderful Valentine’s Day Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

Pregnant woman her baby news with her mother

50 Adorable Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Grandparents

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Mom telling daughter that she's pregnant

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Mother to be surprising her husband with baby news

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Being Pregnant

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Best Pregnancy Pant Extenders of 2023

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A pregnant woman, dressed in blue denim overalls, holding her hands on her tummy

25 Best Maternity Overalls of 2023

A beautiful pregnant woman wearing maternity lingerie

20 Best Maternity Lingerie Pieces (2023 Picks)

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10 Best Products for Morning Sickness of 2023

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Getting a Perm While Pregnant: What Are the Risks?

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Loose Skin After Pregnancy (What You Can Do About It)

Beautiful pregnant woman eating chocolate on the bed

Chocolate During Pregnancy (Is It Safe to Eat?)

pregnant woman trying to sleep

15 Pregnancy Sleep Problems & Solutions

Pregnant woman sleeping with a pregnancy pillow

How to Sleep Better While Pregnant

Young woman washing hair with shampoo in the shower

The Best Pregnancy Safe Shampoos (For Squeaky Clean Hair) 

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Folic Acid Benefits in Pregnancy (How Much to Take)

Preparing for Birth

A pregnant woman receiving gifts from her friends at a baby shower.

55 Baby Shower Themes (Boys, Girls, Twins, and Unisex Ideas)

A pregnant woman in a beautiful baby shower dress is smoothing her tummy

Best Baby Shower Dresses of 2023

A pregnant woman talking to her friend at a baby shower

Baby Shower Etiquette For Moms, Hosts, and Guests

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50 Baby Shower Games (For Any Kind of Baby Shower)

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How to Hire a Doula (Questions to Ask)

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Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist

Mother singing a song to her baby

50 Songs To Sing To Your Baby

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What To Wear To a Baby Shower (And 3 Tips If It’s Your Own Shower)

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25 Baby Shower Songs (Everyone Will Enjoy)

Woman planning a baby shower

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