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Tomy Electric Breast Pump Review

It's affordable, but is it good?

Electric breast pumps can be expensive, but there are a few affordable options. The only question is: are the inexpensive options any good? In this Tomy The First Years Quiet Expressions breast pump review, we’re shining a light on one efficient, budget-friendly breast pump.

Product Overview

Product Image of the The First Years Double Electric Breast Pump, Quiet Expressions

The first thing you’re going to notice about The First Years Quiet Expressions pump is the price. You’ll likely do a double-take when you look at the cost, thinking you read the amount wrong. You didn’t – it really is a great deal for a double electric breast pump.

It comes with a surprising number of extras for the money too. You’ll get:

  • The pump unit
  • One tote bag to hold all the pumping equipment
  • Two 4-ounce GumDrop bottles with storage lids and slow-flow nipples
  • The AC adapter


  • Price – you probably won’t find a more inexpensive double electric breast pump.
  • The included tote bag is stylish and holds everything without being too bulky.


  • There isn’t a backlit display, which would be nice for pumping sessions in the wee hours of the night.
  • Doesn’t express milk as quickly as other pumps.
  • The pump motor doesn’t last as long as other pumps.

Key Features and Benefits

The included tote bag doesn’t scream breast pump as soon as you see it

For moms who are into discretion, breast pump totes can be a double-edged sword. They are nice to have because they conveniently hold everything you need, but many people, especially other moms, know you are carting around a breast pump in there. You aren’t fooling anyone.

You love being a mom, but that doesn’t mean you want to look like a mom all the time.

This bag has a little more flair to it than some other breast pump tote bags do, which may appeal to moms who are fashion conscious.

The Flexi-Fit breast shields are soft and designed to provide an ideal fit for moms of all sizes

Breast shields can make or break a pump. It doesn’t matter how much milk is pumped out, if a breast shield is painful or overly uncomfortable, moms aren’t going to use or recommend that pump to their friends.

Women spend a lot of time pumping and there are many options out there, so there’s no reason to feel like you’re being tortured at Guantanamo Bay just to provide your baby with some breastmilk. These breast shields help make pumping more tolerable.

The First Years pump offers eight adjustable suction settings

This pump doesn’t employ a one-size-fits-all strategy. You are able to play around with the suction settings, which can help you stick with breastfeeding when the going gets tough and your nipples begin to feel like you’re using sandpaper on them.

You can either plug this unit into an outlet or use 4 AA batteries to make it run

That really adds to this pump’s versatility. Some pumps only offer one or the other – battery power or a power cord. Having both provides women with a lot of freedom. They can pump in the car on long trips when their partner is driving or they can plug it in when battery power isn’t needed.

The handle lets you operate the pump with just one hand, even when you’re pumping both breasts

A long handle that runs vertically between your breasts is what allows you to pump only using one hand. That’s a perk for moms who want to be able to multitask while pumping. You can cyber surf, make phone calls or catch up on some reading while you are pumping.

This pump is light enough to take with you on the go

At just over 3 pounds, you can pile these pump pieces into the included tote bag and barely notice the extra weight as you head to your car.

How Does It Compare?

Philips AVENT

Moms who find the vertical handle on the Tomy pump uncomfortable to hold for long pumping sessions may want to check out the Philips AVENT double electric comfort breast pump. The wide base of the collection bottles lets moms comfortably hold on to them while pumping, eliminating hand cramps.

Spectra S1

Moms who like the added safety of a closed system may want to read up on the Spectra S1. It is a hospital-grade pump that can help guard the safety of the breastmilk you’ll serve your baby by reducing contamination.

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Medela Pump In Style

Moms who don’t have any spare minutes in their day for relaxation may want to consider the Pump In Style, which can express milk faster than many other pumps on the market.

Freemie Freedom

Moms who think that even using one hand for pumping is too much work will want to check out the Freemie Freedom double electric pump. It’s a hands-free pump that allows you to wear your shirt while pumping, thanks to its concealable collection cups.

Who Should Buy This Pump?

Some moms aren’t flush with cash. In a perfect world, moms would have all the resources they need to breastfeed, but that isn’t a reality yet for our society.

If you don’t have medical insurance to cover the cost of a new pump, you will probably need to find a pump that adequately meets your needs for a price you can afford.

The First Years Quiet Expressions pump accomplishes that goal, and it makes breastfeeding more accessible for women who don’t have as much disposable income.

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Edited by

Jenny Silverstone

Jenny Silverstone is a professional writer, editor, and most importantly, the loving mother of two. Jenny's goal at Mom Loves Best is to help the other moms like her who are struggling and trying to do their best but feel totally overwhelmed.