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Snoring During Pregnancy

Medically Reviewed by Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN
Learn more about the causes of snoring during pregnancy and what you can do about it.

Are you surprised by how noisy you are at night now that you’re pregnant? Don’t worry — you’re not the first woman to start snoring during pregnancy!

Although snoring can be annoying and even a little embarrassing, it’s all perfectly natural.

In this article, we’ll discuss why pregnancy affects snoring and what you can do to prevent it. We’ll even share three products that can help you stop snoring so you and your family can rest peacefully again.

Key Takeaways

  • Snoring during pregnancy is common, affecting one in three women, due to swelling, weight gain, and hormonal changes.
  • Pregnancy snoring often starts in the second or third trimester and usually stops after giving birth.
  • To prevent pregnancy snoring, try sleeping on your side, changing your diet, propping yourself up, and avoiding sleeping pills.
  • While snoring itself is not dangerous, it can be a sign of more serious issues like high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or gestational diabetes, so discuss it with your doctor.

Why Does Pregnancy Make You Snore?

Just when you think the weird pregnancy changes have finally stopped, your partner shakes you awake because the earth-shattering sound of your snoring waked them. Your what? That’s right!

Pregnancy makes you snore. How cruel do our bodies have to be sometimes, right?

Before you become alarmed, snoring is a perfectly normal phenomenon during pregnancy and can start for many reasons. One in three women experience some degree of snoring during pregnancy, so you’re far from alone (1).

When you’re pregnant, you swell. It seems to happen everywhere, your nasal passages included. Add those pregnancy hormones, which increase nasal congestion and your uterus pressing high up against your lungs, and, understandably, it becomes harder to breathe (2). When you can’t breathe through your nose, you breathe through your mouth, which is why you start snoring.

Weight gain, increased blood pressure, and normal changes to the soft palate can also increase your chances of snoring. Though pregnancy snoring is nothing to worry about, it’s always a good idea to let your doctor know of any more extreme changes, in case something else is going on.

When Does Snoring Start?

Snoring can start as early as the second trimester, but it’s most commonly noticed during the third trimester when swelling is at its greatest (3). Every woman will have a different experience, but this is a common time for a woman to notice she’s keeping the rest of the household awake.

If you’re in your first trimester and have already noticed more snoring, bring it up with your doctor. It’s unlikely this is related to swelling or increased blood flow and may indicate a more serious problem.

Does the Snoring Ever End?

Don’t worry — your nighttime snoring symphonies won’t last forever! Once your baby is born, your body returns to normal, swelling decreases, you lose the baby weight, and the snoring should finally stop.

Are you ready to start being the one woken up by your partner’s snoring again? Maybe some of the methods that help you can be used on them, too!

Methods to Prevent Pregnancy Snoring

A few free, easy things you can do at home can fix your snoring problem instantly. Not all of these will work on an equally loudly snoring spouse, but they should at least cut down on your own snoring!

1. Sleep on Your Side

We recommend you sleep on your side while pregnant since it improves circulation and keeps your weight off your organs and joints. To help prevent snoring, your left side is the “good” side.

2. Change Your Diet

Gaining some weight while pregnant is good, but there is a limit. On average, pregnant women should gain around 25 pounds during their pregnancy. Gaining too much could put extra pressure around your airway.

If you feel like weight gain could be causing your snoring, cut back a bit on your calorie intake, or replace unhealthy, calorific foods in your diet with lighter and healthier ones.

Expect to gain more weight if you’re carrying multiples. I gained 35 pounds when I was pregnant with my twins, and that was perfectly normal! Your doctor can tell you how much weight is appropriate to gain for your pregnancy.
Headshot of Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Editor's Note:

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN
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3. Don’t Try Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills aren’t the best idea when you’re pregnant since they can interfere with your baby’s development. However, they may work for your partner if they need help sleeping through your snoring, but they definitely aren’t for you!

Be careful to avoid anything that could close your throat and lead to snoring. Tobacco and alcohol are two of the main culprits since they dehydrate your throat and palate, but if you’re pregnant, you should be avoiding those anyway.

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4. Prop Yourself Up

Sometimes, the solution can be as easy as elevating your head. During more than half of my pregnancy, I slept with two pillows under my head, one under my stomach, and one between my legs. It might have looked crazy, but my husband and I both got our much-needed rest! Bonus: propping your head up can also help with reflux symptoms in the later stages of pregnancy.

5. Make the Sofa Your New “Homebase”

So. You’ve tried everything, but the snoring still won’t stop.

It’s not the most elegant solution, but you might consider exiling someone to the sofa, at least for a little while. I had so much trouble sleeping during the third trimester I more or less camped out in the living room for those last couple of weeks!

3 Products to Help Stop the Snore

If nothing else works, it might be time to get some outside help. Talk to your doctor first to see if they have any suggestions. And you can always try these three excellent products to cut down on snoring and get you and your partner that much-needed silent night.

1. Nasal Strips

Product Image of the Clear Passage Nasal Strips Extra Strength, Tan, 50 Count | Works Instantly to...

A really good way to end snoring is to get some nasal strips. They don’t hurt, they’re inexpensive, and they’re so easy to use.

I loved these while I was pregnant. They also work great for other noisy sleepers in the family.

2. Humidifier

Product Image of the Pure Enrichment® MistAire™ Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier - Quiet Air...

Both warm and cool-mist humidifiers help with nasal congestion, the leading cause of snoring in pregnant women. Humidifiers are best as an extra measure when combined with nasal strips, but they also work on their own. The humidifier is also great for when you or your little one has a cold, so it serves a purpose long after you’ve had your baby.

3. Elevation Pillow

Product Image of the Cushy Form Wedge Pillows for Sleeping - Triangle Memory Foam Bed Support Rest...

Every pregnant woman should invest in a special sleep pillow, but if you’re still in the market for one, keep on the lookout for an elevation pillow.

These keep your nasal passages open and clear to prevent snoring and help you sleep better by evenly distributing your weight.

Can Snoring Be Dangerous While Pregnant?

Usually, snoring during pregnancy isn’t harmful or a reason to worry, but it can be a sign of something more serious in some cases. Discuss snoring with your doctor to help you figure out if what you’re experiencing could be problematic.

These are some of the most common problems snoring may indicate in pregnant women:

  • High blood pressure: Snoring can cause high blood pressure, which is dangerous to you and your baby. Getting your snoring under control can help prevent this from happening.
  • Sleep apnea: When you snore, you’re at risk of going periods without breathing. These are short instances but still dangerous for your baby if your body is deprived of oxygen.
  • Gestational diabetes: If you haven’t taken the glucose test yet, make sure you do! Sometimes snoring is a side effect of this condition.
  • Low birth weight: Snoring can exacerbate inflammation in the body, which can lead to low birth weight. This isn’t always the case, but it’s worth talking about with your doctor.

Though some of these conditions may seem a little frightening, most problems are easily solved if caught early on. Modern medicine can work wonders to safely deliver your baby, even if you experience difficulties caused by snoring during pregnancy.

CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) devices can be prescribed for true sleep apnea. They work well but are usually reserved for women with a preexisting sleep apnea problem and not just for snoring in pregnancy.

Is it Okay to Just Snore?

As long as your doctor hasn’t found any reason for concern and you’re not too bothered by the occasional sleepless night, feel free to handle your snoring however you choose. If it isn’t a problem in your home, don’t let it become one.

Enjoying your pregnancy in a way that feels good for you is what’s most important. Sure, snoring is a little annoying, but it’s not the end of the world. As long as you feel good and you’re happy, that’s what matters.

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Medically Reviewed by

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN

Mary Sweeney, BSN, RN, CEN is an oncology nurse navigator and freelance medical writer. Mary has 4 years of experience as an officer in the Navy Nurse Corps. including emergency/trauma, post-anesthesia, and deployment medicine.