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Maternity Photoshoot Ideas You’ll Love

100 maternity photoshoot ideas to commemorate this once-in-a-lifetime moment. 

Pregnancy is an exciting time. Whether it’s your first or your fourth, it’s a time full of surprises, growing bellies, and moments you want to remember. Looking back at my pregnancy, the thing I regret the most is not taking enough photos to document the journey.

So, this time around, I’m not making the same mistake. Sites such as Pinterest and Instagram are full of expectant mothers, strutting their stuff. Some are announcing their pregnancy, while others just want to show off their bump.

Either way, there are plenty of maternity photoshoot ideas. Today, I’ve gathered 100 of the most creative, sweet, and even funny.

Maternity Photoshoot Ideas for Indoors

1. In the Nursery

A beautiful, simple, yet moving place to take your indoor maternity photo is the nursery. You can always play with the lighting, creating some effects.

2. Reading In the Nursery

While we’re still in the nursery, grab a children’s book and sit down with your partner. Try to find a book with a fun title like “Are You My Mother?” by Dr. Seuss.

3. Cozy by the Window

Find a window with some light curtains — try to pick a time when natural light comes through. Then simply pose with the curtain.

4. Black and White

If you have an open space with a large window or door, try a black and white shoot. Dress up in a white gown and hold your belly. The light coming through the opening will create a beautiful background.

5. The Goddess of Maternity

Become the goddess of maternity by posing in front of a large window with light, flowy curtains. Wear something flowy as well, like a maxi dress and a flower crown. It has a wow-factor and is a bit theatrical.

6. Couch Shot

The couch is the perfect place for a simplistic photo of you, and even your partner. Wear something that shows off your bump. Play with the lights, and you’ve got a winner.

7. Take It to the Bedroom

You don’t need much for this — pretend to get out of bed, or pose while on it. You can wear a rope that drapes around your body to show your belly. Or just hold it and give a loving smile.

8. Pretty in Lace

Wear something with lace so that your belly shows, and then pose and give a slight smile. This idea plays with the colors of the clothes, hair, and surroundings — everything is in harmony.

9. Sexy Maternity

Pregnancy is beautiful, so why not celebrate your growing body? Put on your favorite lingerie and strike a sexy pose. The photo may be Instagram-worthy.

10. Can’t Get Up

Lay down on the floor with your legs up against the wall. Wear something that shows your bump, and hold it while you stare at the roof. The photo will be a simple but beautiful one of you relaxing with your belly.

11. Modesty

In the spirit of Kim Kardashian, get a patterned dress, which covers you from the neck on down. Strike a simple pose while holding your tummy. Create some shapes by bending one knee.

Outdoor Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

12. A Simple Stroll

Take a simple stroll with your partner while enjoying your pregnancy — the photos will be amazing. You can wear something like a flower printed maxi dress, and then hug your belly to make it show.

13. Fairytale Forest

If you have a forest or woodland near you, this idea is fantastic. Become the fairytale queen by wearing an evening gown that shows your belly. Then, have the photographer create a foggy effect around you — it’s mysteriously breathtaking.

14. By the Lake

Take your photo by the lake during fall — the trees will add a superb contrasted background while you strut your stuff. Wear a flowy gown and a flower crown, and then pose by the water.

15. Mommy and Me

Another idea that includes a lake is a mommy and me shoot — it’s perfect if you’re expecting your second child. Try to match your outfit with your child’s, and then hold them while posing. The lake creates a beautiful background, full of nature, light, and colors.

16. Field of Maternity

A dramatic place to celebrate your maternity is a field full of tall grass and flowers. Pick a time when the light is low, preferably around sunrise. Wear something light and comfortable, like a flowy maxi dress, and pose while sitting in the grass.

17. “Meet Me by the Bridge”

A rustic bridge, a beautiful evening gown, and a growing belly is a surprisingly pleasing combination. It’s outstanding yet straightforward, and all you need is a gown and a bridge. Find a time where the light is behind you, like dusk or sunset — the colors will make the photo.

18. The Secret Tree

Become one with nature by dressing up in a green gown and standing by a tree in the park or backyard. Ask the photographer to catch the light through the leaves while you pose with a smile.

19. Pop of Color

Pick a time around dusk or sunset where the colors in the sky are bright. Play with the hues and wear a gorgeous flowy dress while hugging your belly. The darkness of the surroundings with the pop of the sunlight will create amazing contrasts.

20. Beach in the Fall

Grab your partner in crime and head to the beach on an autumn day. Find an ideal spot and sit down together, perhaps even give a kiss.

21. Summer Garden

If you have a thriving garden or a place you can go to, dress up in a flowy summer dress and strike a pose. Embrace your belly while staring off in the distance.

Maternity Photoshoot Ideas with Family

22. Big Brother

Take a trip with your two guys — have the little one be the center of attention, standing between you and your partner. You don’t need much for this — only a good location and a big-brother-to-be sporting a smile.

23. Big Sister

For the big-sister-to-be, try going to your local park to pose between flowers and trees. Wear a colorful blouse, showing your bump while holding your little girl. Have your husband join the shoot as well, and ask everyone to touch your stomach for the money shot.

24. Rock N’ Roll

Create an exciting image by dressing everyone up in black leather jackets, blue jeans, and big shades. Sit everyone on a staircase and then rock your belly for the shot. It’s edgy and distinguishably different when compared to the other ideas on our list.

25. Hold My Hand

Take your husband and children outside for this shoot. Have everyone wear white while you’re sporting something colorful — then hold hands as you walk away from the camera. It’s simple but includes all the siblings in one shot, and you don’t have to worry about funny facial expressions.

26. Family Includes Pets

If you’re also a mother of dogs, then try this — stand with your husband in an open door. Then have your dogs and children (if you’re a second-time mom) walk toward you. Try it in black and white — it will look classy and striking.

27. Gender Reveal

Combine your maternity photoshoot with a gender reveal. Gather your family and have either pink or blue smoke in the background, revealing the baby’s gender. You can always go to a beautiful location for the shoot.

28. Baby

If you want something simple, use balloons to spell the word baby. Then have your family in the shot while everyone smiles. To make it more extraordinary, go to a breathtaking location like the beach or harbor.

29. Sisterhood

If you have many siblings, then leave out your partner and snap a cute photo with your sisters. In front of a white background, have everyone dress in a different color while holding a teddy bear or flowers. You’ll sit in the middle, hugging your beautiful tummy.

Maternity Photoshoot Ideas with Husband

30. Lay with Me

Show your love in the photo by lying down with your husband — have him hug you and your belly. Not much is needed for this shot, but it will become something you’ll look back on and rejoice in.

31. Laundry Time

Put a fun spin on the shoot by having you and your husband hold a laundry line with baby clothes on it. You can always find a onesie that says something cute like “Snuggle Time.”

32. Mama, Dada

This one is charming and doesn’t require much effort. Go to the nursery and sit down by the crib while holding a book or signs that say ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada.’ You could even include your pet.

33. Back-to-Back

Having your husband behind you through the tough days was probably the best support. A fantastic way to show this is by standing back-to-back — you don’t need much, only a good location for the background. You can also make this silly by doing a fun pose.

34. Hats All Day

Make the photo classy or retrospective by having both you and your partner wear a hat. Take the shoot out on an open field with a beautiful background of nature. You can wear a lace gown inspired by the wild west to make the photo more country.

35. MOM

Sometimes, you gotta spell it out — have your husband stand behind you while holding two ‘M’s’ on each side of your belly. Your belly will act as the ‘O,’ spelling out the word ‘Mom.’ It’s cute and simple — you don’t need much other than the letters and big smiles.

36. The Belly Hug

The belly hug is a classic pose for expectant parents, and it’s generally a winner. Have your husband stand behind you while you hold hands, hugging your bump. Create a jaw-dropping photo by making it monochrome.

37. Strike a Pose

If you want something edgy, sort of high-fashion-looking, then try this one. Find a bright background and wear a matching dress, high heels, and sunglasses. Have your husband wear something dark, while giving you a bouquet of colorful flowers.

38. Tiny Shoes

Find a suitable location and then place a pair of baby shoes in the foreground with you and your husband in the background. In the image, either you or the shoes will be blurry, but if done right, it’s a winner.

Cute Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

39. Look at Me

A photo that will have your friends go, ‘Aww,’ would be something like this one. Go outside and lay down in the grass on a picnic blanket with your belly exposed. Then have your husband look over you while you make eye contact — with the right lighting, it will be astonishing.

40. One Plus Two Equals Three

Find a simple background — then have your husband stand a few feet away from you while you’re looking at each other. You can either use photoshop or balloons to create a mathematical equation. Between you and your husband make a ‘Plus,’ then after you, an equals sign and the number three — one plus two equals three.

41. Hug It Out

What’s cuter than having your toddler hug their soon-to-arrive sibling? This idea is all about your first child and your belly. Create a classic photo by making it black and white.

42. Twinsies

Snap a cute photo of you, your belly, and your child. For maximum cuteness, wear matching outfits and give a big smile.

43. A Kiss for the Road?

You’ll need your firstborn, your partner, and a great location. Have your little one hold you and your partner’s hands while they’re giving a kiss to the camera. Make sure you can see your belly in the photo.

44. That’s the Baby

For this idea, bring an image from an ultrasound, showing the baby. Then with your partner and firstborn, ask your little one to point to the picture. It’s cute, and it involves everyone.

45. Baby Sock Cuteness

When you’re pregnant, there’s nothing cuter than baby socks — they’re so tiny. Grab a pair and hold them by your belly as you put on your brightest smile.

Funny Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

46. Two Bellies?

If your husband is up for it, you can try having them take a belly shot as well. Sit in the foreground while hugging your belly, then have your partner stand further back while also hugging their belly. It’s both cute and funny.

47. Those Are Some Big Melons

Okay, so this one requires some melons and a husband with a sense of humor. Use half a watermelon for the belly and one smaller melon (cut in half), as breasts — these are your husband’s “pregnant parts.” Then stand side-by-side while you both keep one hand over and the other under the belly.

48. The Wrong Head

Let your husband be the pregnant one for once, or at least for the photo. Stand behind a tree or pole — then while you lean back, your husband leans forward. This creates the illusion that it’s your husband’s pregnant belly and not yours.

49. Pregnancy Cravings

Expose your cravings by including them in your maternity photo. Get some of the junk you’ve been craving all day and pose while eating them. You can even add a sign, telling how far along you are — other than that, have fun.

50. My Belly Is the Biggest

How about a competition to see who’s got the biggest belly? Stand with your husband, and pretend to intimidate each other with your tummies. If your husband has a sense of humor, he’ll love this idea.

51. Pregnant AF

This one is straightforward, but fun if you’ve been complaining about your sore feet and back. Stand in front of a simple background while holding a sign that reads, ‘Pregnant AF.’ Make a tired or annoyed facial expression to emphasize the feeling.

Maternity Photoshoot Ideas with Props

52. Letters

Use some Scrabble letters to spell out the name of your unborn baby. Then stand in the background with your partner so that your belly shows. It’s simple and cute.

53. Bath Tub

Draw yourself a bath — fill it with rose petals and soap. Then soak while a photographer snaps some ravishing photos.

54. Pets

Include your pet or animal in your experience. Sit down in the grass while they stand beside you. It doesn’t have to be a horse, but it creates a wow-factor.

55. Flowers

Take a trip to a field of flowers to snap your maternity photo. Dress up in a flowy gown and enjoy the moment.

56. Signs and Photos

Create a close-up image of your belly with a cute sign and ultrasound photos to the side. Wear something that shows your tummy and use a phrase like, ‘Ready to pop.’

57. Baby Onesie

Flaunt your baby bump in an ultra-glam outfit along with the onesie of your anticipated baby. It’s glamorous and will make a memorable moment.

58. Colored Smoke

Smoke can create some beautiful effects — add color to that and you’ve got a winner. Find a lovely location and wear a flowy gown. Then use different colored smoke as the background.

Beachy Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

59. Laugh In Paradise

Take a trip to a beautiful beach, dress up in a flowy gown, and then give a big smile for the camera. Not much else is needed to make the shot Instagram worthy.

60. Belly Gazing

All you need for this idea is a flowing dress, some wind, a flower crown, and a beach. Gaze down on your belly and enjoy the moment.

61. Beauty on the Rocks

If it’s safe and available, you can take this idea of snapping your maternity shot on the rocks at the beach. It creates an eye-catching scene without much else needed.

62. Gaze of Love

Grab your husband and take the photography down to the beach at sunset. With the light behind you, stare at each other while hugging your belly together.

63. In the Sand

Pick a time where the light is beautiful, like dusk or sunset. Then sit down in the sand while you touch your belly. Wear a pastel-colored dress, and the shot will be amazing.

64. Sunset Silhouette

Get to the beach around sunset where there’s low tide. Then with the light behind you, stand in the shallow water to create a reflection. The photo will be mesmerizing.

65. Tree Props

If there are old trees on the beach, use them as props for the background. Wear something flowy and gaze into the distance.

66. Waves of Wonder

This one is easy, and you may not even need a professional photographer. Stand in the waves while holding and gazing at your belly. Use a monochrome effect to create a powerful image.

67. Serenity

Find a suitable location around dusk, when the light is low. Then stand in the shallows and hold your belly. The sea in the background will be the perfect complement to this photo.

68. The Great Sea

Wear something that matches the sea and ask the photographer to snap the shot from a distance. You and your husband will stand, holding each other in the shallows, gazing over the vast sea.

69. Beach Walk

With this one, you don’t have to get wet. Take a stroll on the boardwalk or in the sand with your hubby and dog. Wear something that shows your belly.

70. I Heart U

If you’re a second-time mom, then get your firstborn included in this shot. Get to the beach at a time when the light is low. Find a great backdrop such as rocks, and then make a heart with your hands — simple, yet cute.

71. Day at the Beach

A day at the beach is the perfect opportunity for a memorable maternity photo. Get your partner and strike a laid back pose together.

Winter Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

72. Icy Lace

If you’re up for it, dress up in a lace gown, showing your belly. Then stand in the snow while gazing at your bump. If you get the light right, it will look magical.

73. The Frozen River

If you got a frozen river or lake near you, it’s a perfect location for this shot. Wear something that pops against the white snow, like a red dress. Then sit down where possible and pose with your belly.

74. Partners in Crime

While still at the river, dress up in your usual winter gear, and sit down with your partner. Bring a bunch of ultrasound photos and look at them together.

75. “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”

Get your little one involved by both of you dressing up in winter attire. While standing in the snow, snuggle tightly. Just make sure your belly shows.

76. Keeping Warm

On a snowy day, bring your partner along for the shoot. With you sitting in front, let him hug you while you both gaze at each other. It’s incredibly beautiful in an effortless way.

77. “Look What I’ve Got”

This one is a little silly but cute. Wear a big winter hat and hand muffs. Then touch your belly with a big smile — it’s perfect if you enjoy having some fun with your photos.

78. Don’t Freeze

This image can be awesome — all you need is some snow in your hair. Wear colorful earrings and then strike a fierce pose.

79. Winter Walk

Take a stroll through the snow with your partner. You don’t have to wear anything extravagant — merely hold hands while walking toward the camera.

80. Baby’s Name

Together with your partner, stand in the snow while holding a sign that spells out your chosen name. You can wear a gown for something extra, or keep it simple.

81. Hug It Out

Including siblings-to-be in the maternity photo is always a favorite. Get out into the snow with your little one and have them hug you. Let the shot be just them and your belly.

Summer Maternity Photoshoot Ideas

82. Baby Watch

This one is a mix of funny, cute, and a lot of gorgeous. Get yourself a red bathing suit that says, “Baby Watch.” Then take the photo at your local beach.

83. Summer Nights

The setting of the sun during summer evenings is quite spectacular. Use this to create a lovely photo of you and your husband. Have him hug you, while the light is behind you.

84. The Crown Jewel

Lay down in the grass while placing a small crown on your belly. Let that be the main focus. It’s simple and doesn’t require much effort.

85. Spice it Up

If you know a place with a beautifully decorated staircase, then dress up in something bright and snap a posy picture. The stairs will create a quirky background.

86. Sunset Is Your Best Friend

While the sun is going down, let yourself gaze into the distance while holding your belly. If you can, find a location with colorful flowers — the low lights will create outstanding effects.

87. Beach Glamour

Create some glamour at the beach by including a lace umbrella, a stripy bathing suit, and your dog. Sit on your towel while looking out over the sea.

88. Contrasts

Depending on where you are, try contrasting your dress with the background. It makes you stand out in the photo, creating a high-impact image.

89. Summer Picnic

Place the picnic blanket and snap a photo of you enjoying yourself with a soda. The picture is simple and catches the feeling of summer.

90. Summer Field

Get out into a growing field in a summer maxi dress. You can do any pose you want, but make sure to show your beautiful belly.

91. Flower Power

Stand in front of a wall of flowers while wearing something bright. The flowers will create a perfect background for a summer photo.

Studio Maternity Posing Ideas

92. The Naked Belly

Exposing the naked belly is a popular pose, but it’s also wondrous. You don’t have to be completely naked — wear a robe to drape across your body.

93. Silky Classics

Sometimes all you need is a lovely silky gown, a one-colored background, and a confident pose.

94. Wind

Create an awe-inspiring photo by using a wind machine. The wind will move your dress, creating a dramatic effect.

95. Color Play

Try a basic beige background and a popping dress. Try a simple pose by holding the fabric while gazing over your shoulder.

96. Nude Shades

Utilize all nude colors to create a photo that’s pleasing to the eye. You don’t need much, and you also don’t have to be naked. It’s simplistic yet gorgeous.

97. Simple Silhouette

A simple silhouette of you holding your beautiful baby belly is perfect if you don’t want something too extravagant. Wear something that makes you comfortable while showing your belly, of course.

98. Studio Props

Bring a chair, some curtains, and plants to create an eye-catching background. Sit on the chair and pose while holding your belly. It might take some effort, but it will be well worth it.

99. No Color

Sometimes, the best photo is with a black and white effect. All you need is a lace gown and a simple pose, such as looking down at your belly.

100. Special Effects

When used correctly, Photoshop can make a photo look mesmerizing. Wear a flowy gown and bring your other child along. Then consult the photographer about creating some breathtaking effects around you.

Creating Memories

Shooting maternity photos is an excellent way to create precious memories of the time you carried your bundle of joy. Although we might not always feel the pregnancy glow, it’s still a fantastic time in one’s life that should be remembered.

There are many maternity photoshoot ideas to be inspired by, but we recommend you choose something personal. If your personality is full of humor, try something funny — maybe you’re an outdoorsy person; try the beach or somewhere scenic and fantastic.

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Shannon Serpette

Shannon Serpette is an award-winning writer and editor, who regularly contributes to various newspapers, magazines, and websites. Shannon has been featured on Insider, Fatherly, SheKnows, and other high profile publications. As a mother of two, she loves to write about parenting issues and is dedicated to educating other parents at every stage of their child's development.