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Elora Name Meaning

Learn about the name Elora including the meaning, gender, origin, popularity, and more.

Elora Overview

  • Meaning: Though unclear, Elora may come from the Greek word “ilios” (“sun”) and/or the Hebrew words “El” (“God”) and “ohr” (“light”).
  • Gender: The name Elora is predominantly feminine.
  • Origin: Elora might be a variation of other Greek and Hebrew biblical names or a combination of Ella and Nora.
  • Pronunciation: “El-LOHR-ah”
  • Popularity: The name was rare in the United States until 2015 but has been growing in popularity. It has risen by more than 400 places since and ranked 553rd in 2021.
  • Nicknames: Elle, Elly, Eloraleh, Lor, Lora, Lory, Ora.
  • Variations: Eleanor (English), Elena (Greek), Elinora (Hebrew), Laura (English), Nora (Hebrew, Arabic).
  • Namesakes: Elora Casados (American actress), Elora Hardy (Canadian fashion designer).

What Does Elora Mean?

The name Elora has several potential meanings depending on which speculated origin is used. It might mean “sun” if it comes from the Greek word “Ilios.”

Elora may also have Hebrew roots. One word for God in Hebrew is “El” or “Elohim” (1). The word for light is “ohr.” Together, the Hebrew meaning for Elora would translate as the “light of my God.”

What Is the Origin of the Name Elora?

One theory is that the name is derived from the Hebrew name Eliora. Another suggests it is a combination of the feminine names Ella and Nora. Ella is of Greek and Hebrew origin, while Nora comes from the Latina “honora,” meaning “honor.” Interestingly, the variant Noora means “light” in Arabic (2).

Because Elora has potential roots in Greek and Hebrew, it may be of biblical origin. The Hebrew influence in Elora is apparent: there are many versions of the Hebrew word for God, one of which is the word “Elohim.” “Elohim” is often shortened to “El,” and is a part of many Hebrew names.

Unfortunately, the name’s true origin is likely to remain a mystery.

How Popular Is the Name Elora?

Elora gained popularity only recently. The first time it appeared in the United States Social Security Administration’s database was in 2015, when it ranked close to the 950th most popular name. In 2021, it rose to the 553rd most popular choice for newborn girls (3).

How Do I Pronounce Elora?

The English pronunciation for Elora is “el-LOHR-ah. “

Is Elora a Boy or a Girl’s Name?

Elora is a more common girl’s name than it is for boys. There is no current data for any boys named Elora registered with the Social Security Administration.

Variations of Elora

Below are a few possible variations of the name Elora. Some are alternate spellings, while others have similar meanings in various languages:

Nicknames for Elora

Although Elora is relatively short already, it has inspired some quirky, fun nicknames perfect for a little one with the name:

  • Elle
  • Elly
  • Eloraleh
  • Lor
  • Lora
  • Lory
  • Ora

Similar Names to Elora

Elora is close to several popular and well-known names for girls. Below are just a few:

Middle Names for Elora

If you are considering middle names for your baby Elora, take a look at the following. Some of these follow the biblical tradition, while others just sound good with the first name:

Sibling Names for Elora

Are you looking to broaden your family? Here are some names for boys and girls that pair well with Elora:

For a Brother:

For a Sister:

Famous People Named Elora

Despite some mystery around its origins, several people today have made headlines with the first name Elora:

  • Elora Casados: American actress.
  • Elora Dabija: Romanian tennis player.
  • Elora Españo: Filipina actress.
  • Elora Hall: American actress.
  • Elora Hardy: Canadian fashion designer
  • Elora Riley: American actress.
  • Élora Pattaro: Brazilian fencer who competed in the 2004 Summer Olympics.

Elora in Popular Culture

Elora has recorded several appearances in fantasy stories and media. Below you will find instances of Elora in popular culture:

  • Elora: Titular character in the “Legend of Elora” book trilogy.
  • Elora Dahl: Queen of Trylle in the “Trylle” trilogies.
  • Elora Danan: A character from the 1988 film “Willow.”
  • Elora the Faun: A character from the video game “Spyro.”
  • Elora Galanodel: A character in “Dungeons and Dragons.”

Elora FAQs

Do you still have questions about Elora? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked about the name.

Is Elora an Old-Fashioned Name?

Elora has been around for centuries, but it is not old-fashioned. In fact, it only started to appear in popularity in the 1980s and didn’t break into the top 1000 until 2015. Despite its hazy origins, Elora has biblical roots, giving it a timeless, versatile quality that ensures it is both elegant and trendy.

Does Elora Appear in the Bible?

While the name Elora might have biblical roots, it does not appear in the Bible. That does not make it any less special or holy. Moreover, many names evolve from biblical words despite never appearing in the Bible.

However, even Eliora, the potential influence for Elora, does not appear as a name in the Hebrew Bible. Rather, it comes from the Hebrew for the phrase “the Lord is my light” in Psalms 27, in the Book of Psalms (4).

Can Elora Be a Boy’s Name?

Though Elora is a more common girl’s name, there is no reason why it cannot suit a boy! Remember, many names start as primarily a name for one gender, and then through ingenuity and uniqueness, parents begin to use that name for children of any gender.

Did Elora Gorge Inspire the Name’s Popularity?

Elora Gorge is a popular tourist destination in Ontario, Canada. It is named for the nearby town, founded back in the 1830s. While it has drawn in millions of visitors over the years, there is no evidence that the landmark has influenced the name’s growing popularity.

Interestingly, the town itself was named after the Ellora Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Maharashtra, India.

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