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Comotomo Baby Bottles Reviews (2023 Edition)

If your baby has rejected a bunch of other bottles - try this one instead.
If you’re looking for something to take away some of the struggles when switching between bottle and breastfeeding, you might want to check out the Comotomo bottles.

This is a bit different from typical baby bottles, but it might be just the thing to help your baby transition seamlessly from breast to bottle.

Keep reading our Comotomo bottle review to help you figure out if they are right for you.

Product Overview

Product Image of the Comotomo Baby Bottle, Green, 8 oz (2 Count)

Breastfed babies can be picky about bottles – they may reject them entirely and refuse to eat from anywhere but their mother’s breast. Comotomo bottles address that problem.

They are made of silicone, and both the nipple and the bottle are soft and squeezable, just like a mother’s breast. Each one comes with the bottle base, a nipple, a nipple ring and a cap.


  • Babies can squeeze this bottle just like the real thing.
  • A wide neck allows for easy cleaning.
  • Simple to put together.
  • Anti-colic vents help reduce the amount of air a baby swallows.


  • The bottles are pricey.
  • The rings can be difficult to screw onto the base.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Both the nipple and bottle are made of medical-grade silicone. Silicone doesn’t contain BPA, PVC or Phthalate, which are all chemicals moms want to avoid.
  • This bottle can also be used with formula.
  • Can be used in the microwave, and is safe to use in baby bottle sterilizers, boiling water, and dishwashers.
  • The squeezable nipples and base of the bottle are meant to feel like breasts, which means babies who have been exclusively breastfed may not reject these bottles like they might standard baby bottles.
  • These bottles look more like sippy cups than traditional bottles. They are easy to clean because they are shorter and wider. Your hands will fit in these.
  • The bottles have dual anti-colic vents that cut back on the air that is mixed with the milk. That can reduce symptoms of colic in babies who struggle with gas and fussiness.
  • The nipple on this bottle is shaped like the real thing, which will help in your efforts to go back and forth between bottle and breastfeeding.
  • The squeezable base works well for babies who are learning to hold their own bottles. Because the material gives, it allows babies to get a better grip on their bottle.

Build Quality

Although I like the wide construction of these bottles because they are easy to clean, they won’t fit in many baby bottle warmers, which is something you should be aware of. That might be a deal-breaker for someone who already has a bottle warmer they like.

The nipple is placed on a wide mound to make babies think they are getting the real thing. This is one of the more realistic shapes I’ve seen on a baby bottle, and because it is naturally shaped, it does what the bottle is intended to do, which is to help your baby find a way to latch on properly.

Ease of Use

Comotomo bottles are simple to construct and easy to clean – you don’t even have to use a baby bottle brush with these.

When your baby requires a faster flow nipple, it will fit on this bottle – all Comotomo nipples are compatible with both their 5-ounce and 8-ounce bottles. That makes life easier for moms who don’t want to spend their whole day playing a nipple-bottle match game. Any bottles that have interchangeable parts make life a lot easier for moms because it’s one less thing they have to keep straight.

How Do They Compare?

Let’s compare how the Comotomo bottles stack up to other popular baby bottle brands

Medela Calma Bottles

The Medela Calma is good for moms who want to make sure a bottle doesn’t discourage proper breastfeeding techniques. The Calma only releases milk when the baby creates a vacuum. The Comotomo might be preferred by moms who have pickier babies who won’t work as hard for their milk.

Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Bottles

Like the Comotomo, this bottle was made to avoid the confusion that happens when you switch between the bottle and the breast. The Closer to Nature bottle might be better for newborns who like softer nipples. The Comotomo would be good for babies who seem interested in the squeezable bottle base.

Mimijumi Very Hungry Bottles

The top of the Mimijumi bottle is a flesh-colored dome that looks like a breast. Moms who can’t get their babies to take a bottle may prefer this brand. Moms who have babies who are more focused on grabbing and squeezing may prefer the Comotomo’s softer material.

Who Should Buy These Bottles?

Some babies are focused not just on visuals, but on how an experience feels. The Comotomo bottle takes that into consideration with this design and the materials they use. Babies who have rejected other bottles may take to these because of how breast-like the material is.

I love how unique the Comotomo bottle is. It gives parents one more tool in the fight to successfully feed their babies.

Will Using Bottles Interfere With My My Breastfeeding Attempts?

For something so natural, breastfeeding can be hard work. Even learning the proper latching technique can seem like an overwhelming struggle because it isn’t as easy as it looks. So when you finally get your baby to understand the basics of breastfeeding, why would you want to mess with that by introducing a bottle?

Even the most devout breastfeeding mom may need to use bottles sometimes. If you’re going back to work, you’ll need to have bottles you can rely on for your babysitter to use. Or maybe the baby’s father wants to be included in the feeding fun.

Even if you don’t want to use bottles at all, you can’t plan for everything that will happen to you. One emergency could have you scrambling to find a type of bottle your baby won’t refuse. To be fully prepared, you’ll want to have at least a couple of bottles around the house.

Before you rush out and buy them, you first need to think about what bottle features are important to you.

Here are some things you’ll want to consider before buying bottles:

  • Are they easy to clean and simple to use?
  • Do they mimic the breastfeeding experience, or will they cause confusion for your baby when you go back and forth between bottles and the breast?
  • Are they affordable?
  • How safe are the bottle materials for your baby?
  • Do the bottles have anti-colic features?
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Edited by

Jenny Silverstone

Jenny Silverstone is a professional writer, editor, and most importantly, the loving mother of two. Jenny's goal at Mom Loves Best is to help the other moms like her who are struggling and trying to do their best but feel totally overwhelmed.