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Best Infant Gas Drops of 2023

Ease your baby's discomfort with one of these remedies.

We’ve been there too, tired mama. We know how hard it can be to watch your little one scream and squirm in pain because of gas — especially when it occurs at all hours of the day and night. But we know how hard it can be to decide which remedy to reach for.

Since not all gas drops work the same, we went to the experts to find out how they work and to determine which products are best for relieving our little ones’ gas symptoms. We’ll share what we’ve learned and answer your questions about relieving your baby’s gas and colic symptoms.

We’ll also present our list of the best baby gas drops for relieving colic and gas bubbles. We looked specifically for products that contain simethicone, come with a convenient dispenser, and — above all — work effectively! And we did our best to avoid remedies that contained sugars, dyes, or other harmful ingredients.

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Product Comparison Table

Product Image of the Mommy's Bliss Gas Relief Drops Bottle, Simethicone Drops for Infants, Relieves...
Pediatrician Approved
Mommy's Bliss Drops
  • Pediatrician approved formula
  • Vegan-based ingredients
  • Used in conjunction with gripe water
Product Image of the MYLICON Infants Gas Relief Drops for Infants and Babies, Dye Free Formula, 1...
Clinically Tested
Mylicon Infant Drops
  • Gluten free
  • No artificial flavors
  • Safe formula for newborns
Product Image of the Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops for Tummy's, Natural Berry, 0.5 oz
Best for Travel
Little Remedies Drops
  • Free of saccharin, sodium, and dyes
  • Berry flavored
  • Good option while traveling
Product Image of the Equate - Infants' Gas Relief Drops, Simethicone 20 mg, 1 fl oz
Best Value
Equate Gas Drops
  • Fast-acting
  • Fruity taste
  • Affordable
Product Image of the Infacol to Relieve Wind, Infant Colic and Griping Pain 50ml
Easiest to Use
Infacol Colic Drops
  • Orange flavored
  • Up to 100 doses per bottle
  • Colorant-free

The Best Baby Gas Drops of 2023

These are our favorite baby gas drops on the market.

Mommy's Bliss Gas Relief Drops

Pediatrician Approved Infant Gas Drops

Mommy’s Bliss has a gentle formula that is pediatrician approved and safe to use.

I love that it’s made by a team of moms who know exactly what you’re going through.

The formula only contains vegan-based ingredients, such as ginger root. They have also left out the nasties like alcohol, parabens, or petroleum-based by-products, which makes this remedy suitable for newborns.

Mommy’s Bliss not only takes care of our baby’s tummy but also considers our environment. The bottle and packaging are entirely recyclable and BPA free. The easy-dose syringe makes it easy to measure the exact amount you need, and it doesn’t force liquid into your baby’s mouth at a pace that will make them choke.


  • Good value.
  • Travel-size bottle.
  • Easy-to-use dispenser.
  • Can be used in conjunction with gripe water.


  • Has a bitter taste some babies don’t like.

Our Ratings

5 / 5
4.5 / 5
Ingredient Quality
5 / 5
3 / 5
Total Rating
4.25 / 5

Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops

Science-Backed Baby Gas Drops

Mylicon infant drops have been put to the test by experts and have shown promising results. About three-quarters of babies who took it had reduced gas symptoms within one day (1).

It comes in a fruity flavor that’s a hit with most little ones — they may even think it’s a yummy treat. It’s also great to see these baby gas drops are free from artificial flavors, sweeteners, and alcohol. Mylicon drops are safe to give with every feed if necessary.

The easy-to-use syringe makes administering the drops a fuss-free affair. Still, if your little one doesn’t want to play ball, you can add it to water or mix it into a feed.


  • Gluten-free.
  • Can be administered up to 12 times per day.
  • A safe formula for newborns.


  • Higher price point compared to other brands.

Our Ratings

4.5 / 5
4.5 / 5
Ingredient Quality
4 / 5
4 / 5
Total Rating
4.25 / 5

Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops

Best Travel Baby Drops

Little Remedies gas drops are affordable and recommended by parents and pediatricians.

These drops don’t just relieve upset tummies within minutes; they also help to stop hiccups.

The drops can be administered directly from the syringe slowly to the inner cheek. But if your baby is making a fuss, you can also mix the drops with formula or other liquids.

However, as both the liquid and the dropper are the same color, some moms have found gauging the dosage a little tricky, and it may require a workaround.

One plus is that these drops don’t need to be refrigerated, which makes them handy when your baby needs gas relief on the go.


  • Free of saccharin, sodium, and dyes.
  • Berry flavor.
  • Good option while traveling.


  • Contains sweeteners and other additives, including sucralose and xanthan gum.

Our Ratings

4 / 5
4 / 5
Ingredient Quality
3 / 5
3.5 / 5
Total Rating
3.5 / 5

Equate Gas Relief Drops

Best Value Infant Gas Drops

Equate gas drops are a reasonably priced option to help relieve your baby’s gas. The company claims you should get the same fast-acting results as with other leading brands.

However, the ingredients list makes it a mixed bag. It’s good to see the drops are free from saccharin, artificial flavors, and alcohol. But they do contain benzoate and xanthan gum additive.

A handy point for moms is that it’s a dye-free formula, which means spills shouldn’t be such an issue.


  • Easy to use — the dropper is attached to the cap.
  • Fruity taste.
  • Affordable.


  • Some moms feel the solution is weaker than other brands.

Our Ratings

3.5 / 5
3.5 / 5
Ingredient Quality
3 / 5
3.5 / 5
Total Rating
3.25 / 5

Infacol Colic & Gas Relief Drops

Easy To Use Baby Gas Drops

Infacol drops come in a larger bottle than most other brands, yet if you are taking a flight, it still meets the requirements to pass security checks. With up to 100 doses in each bottle, it should also keep your little one happy for quite some time.

New moms with gassy infants might find this a suitable choice — it’s formulated for babies from birth onwards. The dropper is also straightforward to use, making it simple to give to your baby.


  • Orange-flavored formula.
  • Affordable.
  • Colorant-free.


  • Contains saccharin.

Our Ratings

4 / 5
4 / 5
Ingredient Quality
3.5 / 5
3.5 / 5
Total Rating
3.75 / 5

How to Choose

When you’re looking for gas drops, the options can be overwhelming. Most pharmacies have a wide range of products, all containing different ingredients.

Colic relief, all-natural, anti-gas, quick-working, contains simethicone: These are just a few of the claims you’ll find on the bottles.

These are some of the best features we look for in gas drop formulas for babies.

  • Simethicone: This is the active ingredient in most gas drops. Simethicone helps bond smaller gas bubbles together to form larger bubbles, making it easier for them to pass from the body. Simethicone has minimal side effects, but some people are allergic, so it’s a good idea to monitor your baby the first time they take gas drops (2).
  • Convenient dispenser: If you’ve ever tried giving medicine of any kind to a baby, you’ll know it can be a challenge. We like squeeze droppers as they make it easy to dispense smaller amounts further back in your baby’s mouth so they can’t spit it out easily. These droppers also make it easier to measure out the correct amount.

These are a few things we try to avoid in gas drops:

  •  Dyes: Not only does food dye stain clothing, but it can cause many side effects in young children (3).
  • Sugar: Some medications have loads of sugar to help mask any negative tastes. But the AAP recommends avoiding sugar altogether for children under 2 years of age. We prefer naturally flavored drops that don’t include sugar, especially as we don’t want anything that might contribute to further tummy issues.
  • Alcohol: Fewer remedies contain alcohol these days, as most parents prefer their babies avoid it in any form or any amount. However, it can still be found lingering in a few tummy-relief formulas, so always check the ingredients list on your products before purchasing (4).

Why Do Babies Get Gas?

Gassy tummies occur mainly in babies between the age of four and 12 weeks, as the digestive system is still developing. Babies get gas when they ingest too much air, which can happen for several reasons.

  • Drinking too fast or too slow: Whether feeding from the bottle or the breast, your baby may end up swallowing air, resulting in gas and pain.
  • Milk formula: The method of shaking bottles when preparing formula creates air bubbles, which could end up in your little one’s tummy.
  • Crying: Your baby might take in excessive air while crying for an extended period.
  • Gassy foods: If you breastfeed, your eating habits might cause your baby to have gas. It could also be an intolerance to something in the formula for bottle-fed babies.

How Do Gas Drops Work?

The main active ingredient in gas drops is simethicone. It’s an anti-flatulent that breaks down big gas bubbles into tiny ones. This makes it easier for babies to pass gas and should relieve any discomfort (5).

However, some studies have argued the efficacy of this (6).

Are Gas Drops Safe?

Gas drops are considered safe for babies when used correctly and according to the package. While there appear to be few side effects when using them, you may notice your baby’s bowel movements become looser. Also, if your child is on thyroid medication, its efficacy could be affected by simethicone (7).

If you have any concerns, talk them over with your pediatrician before using gas drops.

Signs Your Baby Has Gas

With no way of communicating, it’s difficult for you to know when your baby is having gas pain.

A crying or fussy baby clenching their fists probably has gas. Another common sign is if your baby pulls their legs up toward their tummy. If they burp or fart and then settle, you can be sure that gas is the culprit.

If your little one has a dry diaper, a full belly, and has released gas or burped but continues to fuss, there could be a more serious issue, and you might want to consult a doctor.

Preventing a Gassy Tummy

There are no rules about how to deter a gassy situation, but here are some common tips that might work for you.

  • Hold your baby correctly: Don’t lay your baby flat during feeding. Raise their head slightly. This will help digestion and blitz any bubbles.
  • Feeding: Check that the bottle nipple isn’t allowing too much or too little milk through. If you are breastfeeding, try switching to a different position to see if that reduces gassy episodes.
  • Diet check: For moms who breastfeed, try to establish which food is creating gas by eliminating potential culprits from your meal plan. If your baby is bottle-fed, talk to your doctor about trying an alternative formula if you think this may be the cause.
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere: Use a pacifier, gently massage your baby’s tummy, or create gentle bouncing and rocking motions.
  • Burp your baby regularly: Remember to burp your baby during and after feeds. Positions to help prevent gas include over the shoulder, lying face down over your lap, or sitting on your lap.

Are There Any Alternatives?

1. Gripe Water

Gripe water is another popular over-the-counter oral solution that has been around for generations.

Its main ingredients, sodium bicarbonate and dill seed oil, work together to relax the tummy and break down bubbles to help pass gas.

2. Probiotic Drops

Probiotic drops are used to replenish levels of friendly bacteria, which helps to restore the balance between good and bad — the gas-offending bacteria.

Lactobacillus is the bacteria in probiotic drops, and it has shown promising results against colic, albeit in limited research (8).

However, probiotics are not an instant remedy. They work gradually, so it may be a few weeks before you notice any improvements.

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Reviewed by

Jennifer Schlette, MSN, RN

Jennifer Schlette MSN, RN, is a pediatric intensive care nurse at Children's Hospital of New York for the past 14 years. Jennifer also has extensive experience teaching Maternity and Obstetric Nursing, as well as Pediatrics Nursing.