
Chelsea Gallagher

Headshot of Chelsea Gallagher

Chelsea Gallagher is a Canadian freelance writer living abroad in Vietnam. Since 2019 she has explored numerous noodle soups, breathtaking landscapes and focused on polishing her diverse portfolio. In her spare time, she co-organizes and leads two book clubs, and recently learned embroidery.

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Articles by Chelsea Gallagher

Happy European girl spending time with her mother in the park

105 Popular European Names for Girls

Happy Portuguese boy spending time in the park

105 Popular Portuguese Names for Boys

Little Vietnamese boy playing in the park

100 Popular Vietnamese Names for Boys

Happy little Portuguese girl spending time in the park

105 Trendy Portuguese Female Names (For Your Sweet Girl)

Fashionable Welsh boy in autumn clothes

103 Strong Welsh Male Names (For Your Future King)

Happy Welsh girl lying on the beach

100 Strong Welsh Female Names (For Your Future Princess)